In 2018 BTS band fist time appeared at Billboard music album. After the fist appearance they appeared eight more times where there were seven indivudal and one group photosessions. The appearance on a worldwide famous journal was a prove of a success and popularity of a band. The place of the photoshoting made for Billboard was held on cultural building called Korea House , which located at the Chungmuro avenue. At the «Korea House» you will able to see by yourself the exact place of the famous phtoshooting as well as try korean traditional royal cuisune and watch traditonal perfromances. All of those activities will provide you a full cultural experience of Korean traditionall House, which in korean language called «Hanok». Also at the Korea House you can learn about korean tradional wedding as well as other interestening korean traditions that could be interesting and memorable for those who like korean culture.
Korea House consists of totaly five buildings including Herikwan, Munghyaru, Chwisongwan Nogeumchong and Chonuchong, that copies the constructural style of Chegechon pavilion at the Gyeongbok Palace. Beautiful Hanok with its’ unique architecrure and beautiful gardens along with the view to Namsan Tower is the great place to make the most memorable photos. |